Website Care Plans

Your Website Is Crucial To Your Business

You have a website that is crucial to your business. It generates leads, customers, and revenue (or at least it should). It’s a channel through which customers, suppliers, potential new staff and partners will find you and engage with you.

It is fundamental to the success of your business and you want it available  24/7 without interruption.

Your Website Is Vulnerable

The software needs updating to stay secure and take advantage of technological advances. The unfortunate truth is that all software is vulnerable, including the software that powers your website. More and more websites are getting hacked and attacked, including big players like Twitter and Facebook and millions of small businesses every day.

Your Website Needs Constant Care

Your website needs regular maintenance to ensure maximum performance and security. Keeping the website software and plugins up to date and tweaking things that need fixing ensures that your website is safe and looks great.

Uploading new images and adding new relevant content keeps the site looking fresh and exciting and gives your visitors a reason to return.

Done For You Website Care Plans

Keeping your website up to date, backed up, secure, and consistently bringing in new leads can be a time-consuming and tedious process. It takes you away from what you should be doing, running your business and building relationships. The technology and strategies continue to evolve, and it's a full-time job to keep up with all the changes. Faribault Web will professionally manage your website's security and health so that you can focus on growing your business.

Plans & Pricing


$100 /month
$1000 /year
  • Weekly Offsite Backups
  • Support Billed Hourly
  • 1 GB Storage
  • Managed Updates
  • Software Licensing
  • Free SSL


$200 /month
$2000 /year
  • Includes Basic Plan &
  • Daily Offsite Backups
  • 1/2 Hour Content/Support
  • 10 GB Storage
  • 24/7 Uptime Montoring
  • Priority Support

Business Pro

$300 /month
$3000 /year
  • Includes Pro &
  • 2 Hour Content/Support
  • 25 GB Storage
  • Performance Monitoring
  • Enhanced Security
  • Monthly Report

*** Extended Support is $150 per hour and $100 if on a Care Plan billed in 15-minute increments.

Care Plan Features

Your monthly support time can include content updates, troubleshooting, and anything that we can fit within your support time. 

Keep in mind that requests like adding new features, creating custom graphics, writing content, and other larger tasks require a separate quote because these typically take longer than the support time included in our standard Care Plans. 

An annual website tune-up is a hands-on review of your website's functionality and design to ensure everything is in good shape. It includes:

  • Visual review of every page on your website to make sure the navigation, layout, and design are consistent and nothing is out of place
  • Overview of your website content to alert you if the content is out of date (such as old coupons, outdated class schedules, etc.)
  • Checking links on your site to ensure they are working and correcting any broken ones.
  • Inventory and review of your website features to make sure they are still working well for your needs
  • Audit of plugins used to make sure their developers are still maintaining them
  • Testing contact forms to check you are receiving website inquiries at your preferred email address

Yes, if you are a current Faribault Web client handling all your content updates in-house, we can certainly do just a basic Maintenance Package for you. The price is $60 and is payable monthly or an annual subscription of $600; you must maintain a credit card on file.

The package includes:

  • WordPress security monitoring and backups
  • Core & plugin updates
  • Tech support for security issues
  • License renewal for select premium plugins.
    • Gravity Forms
    • CleanTalk Anti Spam
    • WP Rocket

It does not include any content updates, support time, or annual tune-up services. Support time will be billed hourly rate of $90/hr.

Setting up security on your website is preventative care, so it’s unlikely that you will get hacked. But if something does happen, we will assist in the restoration and cleanup to get everything back to normal.

This is a common fear for clients, but don't worry;  content changes will not break your site. You may cause a formatting issue, but that's usually something we can quickly fix and provide you guidance as to what to do next time.

Quick fixes like this are included in any monthly editing time plan. If it’s not a quick fix, we will use one of your backups to restore a saved version and get your site back up and running.

Monthly time does not roll over. It is there to reserve your place in our schedule for dedicated time and resources. As a Care Plan Client, we will check your website for updates daily. 

We'll let you know if you have website requests that require more than your dedicated monthly time. Sometimes tasks can be re-prioritized and scheduled for the following month. We’ll send you an estimate for larger requests and get your approval before proceeding. 

A plugin is a tool for WordPress that adds unique functionality. Faribault Web has a developer license for the premium plugins, which we are authorized to use on client websites. Purchased individually, these would cost approximately $600 annually per website.

We don't use all plugins on all clients' websites, but here are some examples of the premium plugin's annual license renewals we may include in our Care Plans:

  • CleanTalk
  • UpdraftPlus 
  • WP Rocket
  • Gravity Forms and Add-Ons
  • Page Builder & Add-Ons
  • SEOpress Pro
  • ShortPixel
  • SMS Reviews
  • Google Reviews
  • Schema Pro

If your website has specialized functionality such as a directory, e-commerce store, or events calendar, additional premium plugins may require a separate annual renewal.